Make a gift to the CDA


  • 服務貧困者,餵飽飢餓者,並支持了有急需的人  
  • 支持神職人員的陶成  
  • 17,500位學生提供正統的天主教教育  
  • 藉青少年和青年人的陶成陪育下一代的天主教徒  
  • Serving the poor, feeding the hungry and supporting those in need
  • Supporting the formation of our future priests
  • Providing a strong, Catholic education to 17,500 students
  • Forming the next generation of Catholics through youth and adult faith formation

    Thank you for your generosity! Your steadfast support will help our local Church continue to live out our faith in an authentic and inspiring way. Can we count on you?


If you'd prefer to set up a one-time gift, click here

感謝你慷慨解囊,你的大力支持將有助於本地教會持續活出信仰 我們可以得到你的支持嗎?  

如有任何問題,請與發展部門連繫 (713) 652-4444或電郵

If you have questions, please contact the Development Department at
 (713) 652-4444 or at
To learn more about DSF, click here. Thank you!